Saturday, March 14, 2009

Community Services Advisory Commission

A couple of weeks ago I accepted an appointment by the mayor of Columbia to serve as a commissioner on the Community Services Advisory Commission. So what exactly does that mean? 

The City of Columbia gives close to $1,000,000 a year to local non-profit organizations to purchase services that those organizations provide which mainly focus on low-income residents. The commission puts together a proposed budget on how this money should be spent and then they send it to City Council for approval.

Part of what we have to do is meet with these non-profit groups in our monthly meetings and listen to their proposals on why we should fund their organization. In order to approve their plan we have to determine if their service fits a need the city is looking for. The important thing I have to keep in mind is we don't do this to support these non-profit groups, we approve their proposals because they will fill a need the city feels is important and it's something the city doesn't have the resources to provide.

Whew! I'm confused just trying to explain this. The bottom line is this: I have been given an opportunity to help make a difference in our city. I met with Steve Hollis yesterday. He is the guy that works for the city's Health Department, and he is the guy that is responsible for overseeing this commission. According to him, he feels like this commission is the most important one in the city. This is due to the number of people we're able to help based on the dollars we give to these non-profits.

Needless to say, I'm excited about this opportunity. My first meeting is this Tuesday evening, and between now and July is the busy time of year for this commission, as we have until then to get the budget sent to City Council. I have been appointed to a 3 year term, so this is a long-term commitment.

If you'd like to learn more about this commission click here. This will send you right to the city's web-page that gives all the details. So if you're having trouble sleeping one night, just read some of this stuff and before long you'll be sleeping like a baby.

I'll try to keep everyone posted as the commission meetings progress and I try to get up to speed with exactly what I'm doing.

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